the former bulgarian capital – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Director: Doc. D-r Hristo Tujarov
International Festival for TV musical products“Еuro Folk 2005” will be held within the scope of “Euro Folk 2005” Musical Feasts - The world is television, which is in different European cities and countries from 3 May till 22 September 2005.
Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” comprise of twelve musical festivals and a Science-practical conference “Traditional folk arts and the contemporary information technologies”. Main event of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” is Festival №1 in Europe of the traditional folk arts – Stara Planina Fest “Balkan Folk”. Every year in the Festival participate 15000 musicians, singers and dancers. Other typical festival of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” is “Euro Folk – Russian Island 2005” International Festival for Traditional Folk Arts – held in Moscow Region, Russia - where under preferential conditions take part the awarded with the Grand prix and First Awards from the other musical festivals “Euro Folk”. From the International festivals, that are held untill now, 6 groups – awarded with the “Grand prix” and 10 groups awarded with the “First Awards” are invited to participate in “Euro Folk – Russian Island 2005” International Festival for Traditional Folk Arts in Moscow Region.
Typical feature of Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” is, that all performances are recorded with professional audio and television technics and the best of them will be broadcasted in Europe. Natural contination of this activity is “Euro Folk” International Festival for TV Musical Products. In this festival except television musical products of “Euro Folk” and “Balkan Folk” take part also specialists and products from other European and world televisions. All this activities realize the main purpose of Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” – The world is television to make the traditional folk arts popular through the mass media
Each TV organization, TV company or independent producer may declare participation of its programs in the following categories:
- Folklore programs (in general)
- Folk songs
- Folk dances
- Traditional customs
- Classical music
- Orthodox chants
- Popular songs
- Old-drawing songs and romances
- Videoclips – by all the above mentioned categories
The maximum duration of each program can be no more than 60 minutes.
The programs, anounced for participation in the competition, should be produced or broadcasted for first time after 01.01.2004.
Working languages of the festival are english, russian and bulgarian.
Selection Committee
The programs, anounced for participation in the competition, are examined by a selection committee of 5 people, which is formed from professionalists from the television amusement and musical genre in the presnce of the Director of the festival. The selection committee divides the anounced programs in the respective category defined in the regulations and arranges the program of the competition.
The selection committee or authorized from it technical assistant informs those who have anounced their participation for the its decision which is no subject to appeal.
The Jury
The provided for the competition programs will be еvaluated by an international jury of 5 persons and is formed of professionalists from the television business.
In its work the jury will be guided by and will respect the procedure rules, which are approved from the jury’s members at their preliminary working meeting before the opening of the festival.
The international jury adjudges the following awards:
- Grand Prix of “Euro Folk Academy”;
- First Award for the best program in each of the categories;
- First Award for videoclips in each of the categories;
- First Award for each of the categories for Internet version;
- Special Awards – Award of Tokyo Vision, Award of Veliko Tarnovo and more.
Technical Requirements
The application forms for participation of programs will be accepted till 30th of March, accompanied with:
- anotation of 5 rows on English;
- advertising materials – photos, posters and other.
An obligatory requirement is that the programs with text to be with subtitles or “voice over” on English. The programs on native language without subtitles will not be permitted to participate in the competition. It is not obligatory, the programs on the other two working languages – Bulgarian and Russian, to be sound-tracked or subtitled on English.