the town of Tsarevo, Bulgaria
Director: Delian Nikolov
The “Euro Folk - Tsarevo 2006” Black Sea Fest is held within the scope of “Euro Folk 2006” Musical Feasts - The world is television, which is in different European cities and countries from 3 May till 21 October 2006. Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” comprise fifteen musical festivals.
Main event of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” is Festival №1 in Europe of the traditional folk arts – Stara Planina Fest “Balkan Folk”. Every year in the Festival participate 15000 musicians, singers and dancers. Other typical festival of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” is “Euro Folk – Russian Island 2006” International Festival for Traditional Folk Arts – held in Moscow, Russia
Typical feature of Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” is, that all performances are recorded with professional audio and television technics and the best of them will be broadcasted in Europe. All this activities realize the main purpose of Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” – The world is television to make the traditional folk arts popular through the mass media.
Kabile ensemble at the Napredyk community centre from the village of Kabile – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Authentic folklore” category
Vocal group for folk songs Avliga at the Kliment Branitski community centre from the town of Slavyanovo – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Singing group” category
Dunavski ritmi ensemble from the town of Gulyantsi – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Teenagers ensemble” category
Roden kraj old time urban songs group at the Iliya Beshkov community centre from the town of Dolni Dybnik – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Old time urban songs” category
Folk dances and songs ensemble at the Probuda community centre from the village of Kalekovets – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Overall performance” category
Gornopolska pesen folk ensemble from the village of Ovchartsi – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Folk ensemble” category
Seslavska prolet ensemble from the city of Sofia – winner of the “FIRST AWARD” in “Succession” category
Dance ensemble at the Indonesian embassy in Bulgaria – winner of the “GRAND PRIX” in “Foreign performers” category
Ogneni ritmi children and teenagers dance group from the town of Svishtov – winner of the “GRAND PRIX” in Tsarevo Euro Folk 2006 Black Sea fair