26 - 28 May 2006
  Dimitrovgrad, Serbia and Montenegro

Director:  Petar Iovanovich

“Euro Folk – Nishavski Horovod 2006" International Folklore Festival will be held within the scope of "Euro Folk 2006" Musical Feasts - The world is television, which take place in different European cities and countries from 3 May till 22 September 2006. Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” comprise fifteen musical festivals.

Main event of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” is Festival №1 in Europe for the traditional folk arts – Stara Planina Fest “Balkan Folk”. Every year in the Festival participate 15000 musicians, singers and dancers. Other typical festival of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” is “Euro Folk – Russian Island 2006” International Festival for Traditional Folk Arts – held in Moscow, Russia.

Typical feature of Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” is, that all performances are recorded with professional audio and television equipment and the best of them will be broadcasted in Europe. Natural continuation of this activity is International Festival for TV and Internet Musical Products “Euro Folk”. In this festival except television and Internet musical products of “Euro Folk” and “Balkan Folk” take part also specialists and products from other European and world televisions. All these activities realize the main purpose of Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2006” – The world is television to make the traditional folk arts popular through the media.


The "Euro Folk – Nishavski Horovod 2006" International Folklore Festival is held within four performing days and evening concerts. Main task of the organizers is to ensure the artistic teams an access to the stage, to gather them in a contest program aimed at defining the best ones and to popularize the award winners of the fest by broadcasting their art in the European TV channels as well as on Internet teleision "Euro Folk".

"Euro Folk – Nishavski Horovod 2006" International Folklore Festival is organized by Euro Folk Academy, Balkan Folk Academy and other organizations within the scope of "Euro Folk 2006" Musical Feasts - The world is television, from 08 till 11 June 2006.

Host of the festival is the city Dimitrovgrad, Serbia and Montenegro.