Nessebar, resort “Sunny Beach”, Burgas, Pomorie, St. Vlas, Bulgaria
Director: Kaloyan Nikolov
Location: Nessebar and the resort complex “Sunny Beach” (Wikipedia)
Basic Information
A special feature of the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk" is that all performances are recorded with professional audio and television equipment and the best of them are repeatedly broadcasted by 50 cable televisions in Bulgaria, by satellite televisions "Travel TV", "BG TV" and "Heros TV" with coverage across Europe, as well as by the World Internet Television "TV Eurofolk" at With these activities the main goal of the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2014“ is being realized and that is to popularize the traditional folk arts through the enormous possibilities of mass media.
The concerts of the World Championship of Folklore “World Folk 2014” are broadcasted live on the World Internet Television “TV Eurofolk”.
Preliminary Program
August 22 - Competition - Parade - Official opening
August 23 - Competition
August 24 - Competition
August 25 - Free day trips, Master Class
August 26 - Free day trips, Master Class
August 27 - Competition
August 28 - Competition
August 29 - Competition
August 30 - Competition - Ceremony and announcement of winners and official closing gala concert of winners.
August 31 - Departure of the groups
Concerts take place at the Ancient Amphitheatre in Nessebar, Sunny Beach, Burgas, Pomorie, St. Vlas
During the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2014” shall be made studio audio recordings and shooting of professional videos of the program of the participants, whose performances have been awarded by the jury with shooting of a video clip or against payment.
Main task of the organizers is to allow the expression of the creative groups and their incorporation into a competitive program, defining the best of them and promoting the winners by broadcasting in the European and World television air.
- Those who wish to take part in the Festival must fill-in application form.
- The collectives, who apply for participation, must have obtained prestigious awards from other festivals; the awards should be notified in the application form.
- All participants are to make their own travel arrangements to and from Nessebar and stages and pay their travel expenses. The Organizing Commitiee provides accomodation and cultural program (excursions) by agreement with the participants.
- A group delegation can include artists and their accompanying party. The nomber of artists and accopanying people is not limited.
During the participation of the team in the Championship, it may be invited by the organizers to take part in joint events – Official opening, Official closing, defile, accompanying concerts, cocktail, master class, or others. The presence of invited teams in various events is required.
- The application forms should be sent not later than 25. 05. 2014.
- The participants pay the specified prices for participation in the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2014”. The advanced payment is 20% from the total amount for the participation of the group. It is payable after approval of participation, but not late of June 30, 2014. That condition is in order to booking in the active resort season.
- Send by post, to the address of EAFF or with attachment to email, demos of at two performances, or link to a video posted on YouTube or other social site for video sharing. The application to be added annotation of the participant and promotional materials - photos. The photo should not be less than 1 MB. Sent materials will not be returned.
- Individual performers and duets pays and participation fee 50 Euro.
- The price includes staying the night, breakfast, dinner and organizational service.
- Two weeks before the beginning of the championship the full amount for participation must be sent.
- The minimum participation period is 5 days.
Regulations of Contest
B) Folklore songs groups, modern arrangement of folklore music; - (choirs and ensembles)
C) Folklore dances groups, authentic folklore; (folklore dance groups, ensembles)
D) Folklore dances groups; modern choreography (folklore dance groups, ensembles)
E) Folklore mix ensembles - Authentic performances; (live vocal, instrumental and dance)
F) Folklore mix ensembles - Processed performances; (live vocal, instrumental and dance)
G) Folklore Instrumental groups; folklore music (ensembles and orchestras)
H ) Folklore customs groups ; replica (folklore groups, ensembles)
I) Group for old urban songs; (folklore groups, ensembles)
*i individual performers and duets by all categories exept E,F,H;
by all categories there is also ranking of children and young people up
to 18 years. /in children's and youth groups can participate up to 30%
of participants from different age /
*2 by all categories there is ranking adults people up 18 years.
- Songs - up to 10 minutes
- Dances - up to 10 minutes
- Ensemble performances – up to 15 minutes