Veliko Tarnovo
Director: Kaloyan Nikolov
Euro Folk Academy
The competition is held within the framework of the Musical Feasts "Euro Folk".
With the assistance of:
World Association of Folklore Festivals – WАFF
European Association of Folklore Festivals – ЕАFF
The evaluations of performers and collectives who have participated in the competition program will be valid for the World Ranking of Folklore /World ranking list of folklore/ in category G) Folklore and Classical instrumental groups (ensembles, orchestras), appraisal category - International / World Cup of Folklore™ - RFS - 150.
The First Online International Instrumental Competition "GOLDEN BREATH" is open to soloists, wind or mixed ensembles and orchestras. Students from pre-professional, professional music schools (schools, conservatories, academies, universities and other institutions and organizations from all over the world), as well as non-professional performers from cultural centers, associations, clubs and others can take part in the competition.
The main idea of the competition is to reveal, support and develop the artistic potential of instrumentalists in preserving the spiritual national wealth. Participation in this online competition will help to represent the art of music of many cultures internationally, and preparation for online participation will lead to an increase in the level of stage skills and experience of participants.
Purposes of the competition:
Preliminary program:
Conditions for participation:
Those wishing to participate in the competition should fill in an application for participation and send a video of their performance.
For each soloist or collective, a separate application should be filled in.
Individual performers and groups from all over the world can take part in the competition.
No age limit for participants.
Participants are responsible for complying with copyright and related rights laws.
Applications for participation are accepted until 11.12.2021.
After sending the application, you will receive a confirmation of participation.
Participants must submit one video by email or a video link to YouTube or Google Drive
- In the title of the video file, write the title of the work and the name of the group; for individual performers - title of the work and surname of the participant.
Individual performers (soloists);
Ensembles: ensembles for wind instruments or mixed ensembles, incorporating wind instruments;
Orchestras: orchestras for wind instruments or mixed orchestras, incorporating wind instruments.
The following wind instruments are allowed: Bagpipe, Kaval, Duduk, Oboe, Tuba, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, Trumpet...
Seventh group: over 25 years old.
Second group: over 18 years old, no age restrictions.
Second group: over 18 years old, no age restrictions.
Up to 30% of participants of different ages can participate in "Chamber groups" and "Choirs".
Traditional folklore
Processed folklore or music adapted from folklore themes
Soloists – 1 or 2 performances with a total duration from 2 to 6 minutes
Ensembles for wind instruments – 1 or 2 performances with a total duration from 3 to 7 minutes
Orchestras with wind instrument/ wind instruments – 1 or 2 performances with a total duration from 3 to 10 minutes
The program of the performance is at the choice of the participant in the competition and it must include traditional original works or compositions in which a folklore theme, adapted by the author, is used.
Participation fee:
Soloist - 20 Еuro
Ensemble (up to 12 participants inclusive) - 35 Euro per group
Orchestra (13 participants or more) - 75 Euro per group
Personal Diploma for partisipation in the International Instrumental Competition "GOLDEN BREATH" - 2 Euro per participant /without soloists - the soloists receive a personal diploma/.
The evaluations from the participation in the online International Instrumental Competition "GOLDEN BREATH" will be valid for ranking in the World ranking list of folklore / ( without additional fee.
Full payed collective and individual members of EAFF for 2021/2022 will recieve 20% discount of participation fee.
Participants will be judged by a highly qualified jury, consisting of recognized cultural figures invited by the organizers.
The evaluation system is 60-point, taking the arithmetic mean of the sum of the criteria.
The jury has the right to reduce the overall score in case of non-compliance with the regulation.
Level of complexity and technique of implementation
Presentation (costumes, props, staging, choice of repertoire)
Stage behavior (behavior, stage presence, artistry)
Participation certificates will be sent to all participants by email.
In each category and age group, depending on the level of performance and on the total score of the jury, participants receive titles:
Laureate I degree (Gold diploma) - from 150.01 to 180.00 points
Laureate II degree (Silver diploma) - from 120.01 to 150.00 points
Laureate III degree (Bronze diploma) - from 90.01 to 120.00 points
Diploma (Copper Diploma) - up to 90.00 points
The number of diplomas for laureates is not limited.
The soloist, duet or group who received the title of the 1st degree Laureate (Golden Diploma) with the highest number of points upon receiving the assessment, receives the GRAND PRIX competition diploma.
State, public, creative unions, mass media, institutions, firms and individuals, in agreement with the organizing committee and the jury of the competition, may establish special prizes and awards for the participants of the competition.
Do not award all awards;
To award special awards to the participants of the competition, which were established by state and public organizations and individuals;
- The jury's decisions are final and not subject to change.
Videos of all participants will be published on a specially created platform on the EAFF website on 13.12.2021, from which the online voting of viewers will begin. Voting will continue until 23:59:59 CET on 16.12.2021. After this deadline, viewers' votes will not be taken into account when compiling the result. The winner will be determined by the number of audience votes. The participant/ -s with the best result will receive the "Audience Choice" Diploma.
By submitting the application, the Participants agree that photo and video materials with their participation will be stored in the archives and used by the organizers in the production of various information and television products in whole or in part as well as publication on the EAFF website and / or in social networks for the purpose of popularization and development of the Musical feasts "Euro Folk" as well as provide the copyright and / or related rights on the performed work, participating in the competition.
Fees for participation shall be transferred by 13.12.2021 via Bank or card.