5 - 18 May 2003
Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Grand prix
- Moscow state historical-ethnographic theater, Moscow, Russia — in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Ensemble “Kapitan Petko Voivoda” at Trakia Society “Rodopi”, Asenovgrad — in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
First awards
- Music formation “Raya folk”, Blagoevgrad — First award in folklore songs category in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Moscow state historical-ethnographic theater, Moscow, Russia — first award in folklore custom category in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Individual performers at “Professor Marin Drinov” school, Panagjurishte — first award in folklore songs category for children groups (up to 14 years) in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- VIG “Magiya”, Dulovo — first award in old urban songs category in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Group for old urban songs “Roden kraj” — at community center “Iliya Beshkov”, Dolni Dabnik- first award in old urban songs category in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Ensemble “Kapitan Petko Voivoda” at Trakiya Society “Rodopi”, Asenovgrad — first award for folklore songs in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- VG “Vasiliko” at community center “G. Kondolov”, Carevo — first award for songs for the sea in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Children dance group “Balkan” at community center “Tzar Boris III”, Sofia — first award for folklore dances in category for children up to 19 years in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Ensemble for folklore songs and dances at community center “St. Konstantine and Methodios”, Parvomaj — first award in folklore dances category in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Dance group Panayot Volov” at Education center “Panayot Volov”, Shumen — first award for folklore dances in “Euro folk 2003” International festival
- Group for popular songs “Morski briz” — first award in author’s songs category in “Euro folk 2003” International festival