The former Bulgarian capital Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Director: Ivan Danchev
"Euro Folk 2005" International Festival for Orchestras and Individual Performers will be held within the scope of "Euro Folk 2005" Musical Feasts - The world is television, which is in different European cities and countries from 3 May till 22 September 2005.
Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” comprise of twelve musical festivals and one international music television fesival a Science-practical conference “Traditional folk arts and the contemporary information technologies”. Main event of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” is Festival №1 in Europe of the traditional folk arts – Stara Planina Fest “Balkan Folk”. Every year in the Festival participate 15000 musicians, singers and dancers. Other typical festival of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk 2005” is “Euro Folk – Russian island 2005” Inter